ZIRC Antibodies

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(BALB/c mice)
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zns-7 IgG1, k cytoplasm 1:200 brain cytoplasm, central nervous system cytoplasm, DEL cytoplasm, EVL cytoplasm  (all 13) in stock
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About these Antibodies
    All antibodies listed on this page were generated by researchers at the Institute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon ( Liu et al., 2003, Amacher, et al., 2002, and Trevarrow et al., 1990). The antibodies were generated with BALB/c mice against adult zebrafish protein, and clones were selected based on the specific staining patterns obtained with particular clones. The hybridomas are stored at the Antibody Facility of the UO under the supervision of Dr. Mike Marusich. The Antibody Facility regenerates supernatants and provides them to the ZIRC upon request.

    Many of the antibodies are stored in a medium containing Sodium Azide. View the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for Sodium Azide. All of these antibodies are stored in media containing fetal bovine serum, USA origin, that is free of pathogens according to supplier information.

    Please note that antibodies should be stored in a -80C freezer if they arrive frozen. If thawed upon arrival, please keep antibodies in the refrigerator at 4C. Repeated freezing and thawing should be avoided. Also, current batches of ZIRC antibody may have dilution rates that vary from the dilution rates found in publications.