Genotype (Background)
Allele [previous names]
Affected Gene(s) [previous names]
Construct Name
Line Type
ZIRC Catalog ID
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embryos, adults |
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embryos, adults |
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embryos, adults |
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embryos, adults |
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embryos, adults |
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embryos, adults |
roya9; mitfaw2
a9 [(part of) Casper fish, (part of) Crystal fish, roy] w2 [(part of) Casper fish, (part of) Crystal fish]
mpv17 [roy, tra, transparent, zgc:63573, casper]mitfa [Mitf2, Mitf-related gene, nac, nacre, z3A.1, casper]
aerobic respiration, caudal fin, developmental pigmentation, eye, fast muscle cell, head, host-mediated regulation of intestinal microbiota composition, integument, iridophore, iridophore, larval melanophore stripe, larval melanophore stripe, liver, melanocyte, melanocyte, melanocyte differentiation, melanocyte migration, melanophore stripe, melanophore stripe, neural crest cell migration, oxidative phosphorylation, pigmentation, pigment cell, pigment cell, post-vent region, regulation of pigmentation, retinal cone cell, retinal pigmented epithelium, skeletal muscle, slow muscle cell, swimming behavior, trunk, trunk, vertebra, whole organism, whole organism, xanthophore
aerobic respiration, caudal fin
(all 37)
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Allele with multiple variants Allele with one point mutation
embryos, adults |
ednrb1ab140; mitfab692
b140 b692
ednrba [ednrb1, ednrb1a, ros, rose, rse, absolute]mitfa [Mitf2, Mitf-related gene, nac, nacre, z3A.1, absolute]
anal fin, caudal fin, caudal fin, developmental pigmentation, head, host-mediated regulation of intestinal microbiota composition, hypodermal cell, iridophore, iridophore, iridophore differentiation, larval melanophore stripe, melanocyte, melanocyte, melanocyte differentiation, melanocyte migration, melanophore stripe, melanophore stripe, neural crest cell migration, oligodendrocyte, peritoneum, pigmentation, pigmentation, pigment cell, pigment cell, regulation of pigmentation, retinal pigmented epithelium, spinal cord, swimming behavior, trunk, trunk, vertebra, whole organism, xanthophore, xanthophore
anal fin, caudal fin
(all 34)
Unknown Allele with one point mutation
embryos, adults |
slc45a2b4/+ (AB)
b4 [(part of) Crystal fish, (part of) Sheer fish]
slc45a2 [aim1, alb, albino, B gene, im:7138762, oca4, albino]
cellular pigmentation, eye, eye photoreceptor cell, larval melanophore stripe, lens, melanin biosynthetic process, melanocyte, melanophore stripe, pigmentation, pigment cell, response to light stimulus, retina, retinal pigmented epithelium, sensory system, visual system, whole organism
cellular pigmentation, eye
(all 16)
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Allele with one insertion
embryos, adults |
mitfab692/+ (AB)
mitfa [Mitf2, Mitf-related gene, nac, nacre, z3A.1]
caudal fin, developmental pigmentation, head, host-mediated regulation of intestinal microbiota composition, iridophore, larval melanophore stripe, melanocyte, melanocyte differentiation, melanocyte migration, melanophore stripe, neural crest cell migration, pigmentation, pigment cell, regulation of pigmentation, retinal pigmented epithelium, swimming behavior, trunk, vertebra, whole organism, xanthophore
caudal fin, developmental pigmentation
(all 20)
Allele with one point mutation
embryos, adults |
gl22Tg [Tg(mpeg1:EGFP)gl22]
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Transgenic Insertion
embryos, adults |
gl23Tg [Tg(mpeg1:mCherry)gl23]
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Transgenic Insertion
embryos, adults |
kca33Tg/+ (AB)
kca33Tg [kca33, Tg(UAS:GFP), Tg(UAS:GFP)kca33]
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Transgenic Insertion
embryos, adults |
s1999tTg/+ (AB)
s1999tTg [Tg(UAS-E1b:Kaede)s1999t]
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Transgenic Insertion
embryos, adults |
uwm4Tg [Tg(-8mpx:Dendra2)uwm4]
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Transgenic Insertion
embryos, adults |
y1Tg/+ (AB)
y1Tg [CZ55, Tg(fli1:EGFP), Tg(fli1:EGFP)y1, y1]
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Transgenic Insertion
embryos, adults |
c264Tg/+ (AB)
c264Tg [14xNtrCh, 14xUAS:NfsB-mCherry, Tg(UAS-E1b:NfsB-mCherry)c264, Tg(UAS:NTR-Cherry)]
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Transgenic Insertion
embryos |
kca2Tg/+ (AB)
kca2Tg [kca1, kca2, Tg(-6dld:Gal4)kca2, Tg(dld:Gal4)6, Tg(dld:Gal4)6kca2]
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Transgenic Insertion
embryos |
emc3a1/+ (AB)
emc3 [loc55831, pob, wu:fi32f05, wu:fj63h08, zgc:63727]
eye, retinal cone cell, retinal photoreceptor layer, sensory system
eye, retinal cone cell
(all 4)
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Allele with one point mutation
frozen |
-a131Tg (AB)
a131Tg [Tg(ubb:LOX2272-LOXP-RFP-LOX2272-CFP-LOXP-YFP)a131, ubi:Zebrabow-M]
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Transgenic Insertion
frozen |
-a134Tg (AB)
a134Tg [Tg2(hsp70l:Cre)a134]
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Transgenic Insertion
frozen |
synj1a14/+ (WIK/AB)
a14 [nrc]
synj1 [fb02f11, fi15a11, no optokinetic response c, nrc, slacker, slak, wu:fb02f11, wu:fi15a11]
chemical synaptic transmission, eye, musculoskeletal movement, nervous system, neuromast hair cell, optokinetic behavior, photoreceptor cell, proprioception involved in equilibrioception, response to light stimulus, response to mechanical stimulus, retinal cone cell, sensory system, vestibular reflex
chemical synaptic transmission, eye
(all 13)
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Allele with one point mutation
frozen |
znf536a211 (AB)
znf536 [si:ch211-116i17.2, si:ch211-139o14.1, si:ch211-225j17.1, si:zc225j17.1]
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Allele with multiple variants
frozen |
sbno1a214 (AB)
brain, eye, habituation, midbrain, neural plate anterior/posterior regionalization, otic vesicle, otolith, otolith formation, prepulse inhibition, response to absence of light, sensory system, startle response, swimming, ventricular system, yolk
brain, eye
(all 15)
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Allele with one small deletion
frozen |
tcf4a215 (AB)
tcf4 [tcf4l]
embryo development, fourth ventricle, habituation, lens morphogenesis in camera-type eye, post-vent region, prepulse inhibition, startle response
embryo development, fourth ventricle
(all 7)
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Allele with multiple variants
frozen |
akt3ba230 (AB)
habituation, prepulse inhibition, response to absence of light, startle response, swimming
habituation, prepulse inhibition
(all 5)
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Allele with multiple variants
frozen |
bcl11baa238; bcl11bba239 (AB)
a238 a239
bcl11ba [bcl11b, bcl11b.1, si:dkey-238i13.1, wu:fj43a03, zgc:165628]bcl11bb [bcl11b.2, im:7142702]
embryonic viscerocranium morphogenesis, eye, habituation, habituation, hematopoietic stem cell migration, lymphoid lineage cell migration into thymus, prepulse inhibition, prepulse inhibition, response to absence of light, response to absence of light, splanchnocranium, startle response, startle response, swimming, swimming, T cell, T cell differentiation
embryonic viscerocranium morphogenesis, eye
(all 17)
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Allele with one small deletion Allele with multiple variants
frozen |
clcn3a251 (AB)
clcn3 [fb78c02, wu:fb78c02]
habituation, prepulse inhibition, response to absence of light, startle response, swimming
habituation, prepulse inhibition
(all 5)
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Allele with multiple variants
frozen |
csmd1aa255 (AB)
a255 [a255Tg]
csmd1a [csmd1, zgc:110146]
habituation, response to absence of light, startle response, swimming
habituation, response to absence of light
(all 4)
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Allele with one insertion
frozen |
gigyf2a273 (AB)
gigyf2 [fb57e02, gigfy2, im:6911549, wu:fb57e02, zgc:111944]
caudal fin, embryonic pattern specification, eye, habituation, head, prepulse inhibition, response to absence of light, response to light stimulus, somite, swimming, whole organism
caudal fin, embryonic pattern specification
(all 11)
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Allele with multiple variants
frozen |
lrrn3ba294; lrrn3aa295 (AB)
a294 a295
lrrn3blrrn3a [lrrn3]
prepulse inhibition, prepulse inhibition, response to light stimulus, response to light stimulus, startle response, startle response, swimming, swimming
prepulse inhibition, prepulse inhibition
(all 8)
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Allele with one delins Allele with one small deletion
frozen |
cnnm2aa357; cnnm2ba258 (AB)
a258 a357
cnnm2b [cnnm2, si:ch211-176l1.6]cnnm2a [im:7136247, si:ch211-67n3.4]
blood, blood, blood circulation, blood circulation, brain development, brain development, habituation, habituation, heart contraction, heart contraction, magnesium ion homeostasis, magnesium ion homeostasis, mechanosensory behavior, mechanosensory behavior, midbrain hindbrain boundary, midbrain hindbrain boundary, musculoskeletal movement, spinal reflex action, musculoskeletal movement, spinal reflex action, notochord, optic tectum, pericardium, pericardium, prepulse inhibition, prepulse inhibition, pronephros, renal filtration, response to absence of light, response to absence of light, sensory perception of touch, sensory perception of touch, startle response, startle response, swimming, swimming, telencephalon
blood, blood
(all 35)
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Allele with one delins Allele with multiple variants
frozen |
vrk2a363 (AB)
vrk2 [vrk, zgc:56483]
female organism, prepulse inhibition, swimming
female organism, prepulse inhibition
(all 3)
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Allele with multiple variants
frozen |
znf804aa364 (AB)
znf804a [si:dkeyp-122e7.1]
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Allele with multiple variants
frozen |
cacna1ca366 (AB)
cacna1c [C-LTCC, isl, island beat, ZfCav1.2]
anatomical system, atrial myocardium, blood circulation, brain, cardiac conduction, cardiac muscle cell, cardiac muscle contraction, cardiac ventricle, cell population proliferation, determination of heart left/right asymmetry, habituation, heart, heart contraction, heart looping, mandibular arch skeleton, Meckel''s cartilage, pericardium, prepulse inhibition, pronephric duct, pronephric glomerulus, pronephric podocyte, response to absence of light, startle response, swimming, ventral mandibular arch, ventricular myocardium, whole organism, yolk
anatomical system, atrial myocardium
(all 28)
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Allele with one delins
frozen |
cada52/+ (AB)
a52 [perplexed]
cad [cb456, si:dkey-221h15.3, wu:fc30c12, wu:fc33d01, wu:fc67g02]
blood vessel endothelial cell, ceratobranchial cartilage, ceratohyal cartilage, cerebellum, epibranchial ganglion, extension, eye, facial ganglion, forebrain, glossopharyngeal ganglion, gut, head, heart, hindbrain, intersegmental artery, liver, Meckel''s cartilage, midbrain, Notch signaling pathway, optic tectum, pericardium, vagal ganglion, ventral mandibular arch, whole organism, yolk
blood vessel endothelial cell, ceratobranchial cartilage
(all 25)
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Allele with one point mutation
frozen |
smarca4a [brahma-related gene 1, brg1, smarca2, smarca4, wu:fb51a08, yng, young]
atrioventricular canal, cardiac muscle cell, caudal hematopoietic tissue, cell migration involved in heart development, cell population proliferation, ceratohyal cartilage, chromatin organization, cranial nerve II, ear development, eye, fin, fin development, fin regeneration, heart, heart contraction, heart development, heart looping, heart morphogenesis, inner ear, locomotion, Meckel''s cartilage, melanocyte, nervous system, neurocranium, palatoquadrate cartilage, pericardium, pharyngeal arch 6, pharyngeal arch 7, pigmentation, post-vent region, retina, retina layer formation, retinal neural layer, retinal pigmented epithelium, retinal pigment epithelium development, retina morphogenesis in camera-type eye, sensory system, ventral wall of dorsal aorta, whole organism
atrioventricular canal, cardiac muscle cell
(all 39)
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Allele with one point mutation
frozen * |
mpv17a9/+ (AB)
a9 [(part of) Casper fish, (part of) Crystal fish, roy]
mpv17 [roy, tra, transparent, zgc:63573]
aerobic respiration, eye, fast muscle cell, integument, iridophore, larval melanophore stripe, liver, melanocyte, melanophore stripe, oxidative phosphorylation, pigment cell, post-vent region, retinal cone cell, skeletal muscle, slow muscle cell, trunk, whole organism
aerobic respiration, eye
(all 17)
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Allele with multiple variants
frozen |
mpv17a9; -jf1Tg; mitfaw2 (AB)
a9 [(part of) Casper fish, (part of) Crystal fish, roy] jf1Tg w2 [(part of) Casper fish, (part of) Crystal fish]
- mitfa [Mitf2, Mitf-related gene, nac, nacre, z3A.1]
aerobic respiration, caudal fin, developmental pigmentation, eye, fast muscle cell, head, host-mediated regulation of intestinal microbiota composition, integument, iridophore, iridophore, larval melanophore stripe, larval melanophore stripe, liver, melanocyte, melanocyte, melanocyte differentiation, melanocyte migration, melanophore stripe, melanophore stripe, neural crest cell migration, oxidative phosphorylation, pigmentation, pigment cell, pigment cell, post-vent region, regulation of pigmentation, retinal cone cell, retinal pigmented epithelium, skeletal muscle, slow muscle cell, swimming behavior, trunk, trunk, vertebra, whole organism, whole organism, xanthophore
aerobic respiration, caudal fin
(all 37)
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Allele with multiple variants Transgenic Insertion Allele with one point mutation
frozen |
mpv17a9; -jf41Tg; mitfaw2 (AB)
a9 [(part of) Casper fish, (part of) Crystal fish, roy] jf41Tg w2 [(part of) Casper fish, (part of) Crystal fish]
- mitfa [Mitf2, Mitf-related gene, nac, nacre, z3A.1]
aerobic respiration, caudal fin, developmental pigmentation, eye, fast muscle cell, head, host-mediated regulation of intestinal microbiota composition, integument, iridophore, iridophore, larval melanophore stripe, larval melanophore stripe, liver, melanocyte, melanocyte, melanocyte differentiation, melanocyte migration, melanophore stripe, melanophore stripe, neural crest cell migration, oxidative phosphorylation, pigmentation, pigment cell, pigment cell, post-vent region, regulation of pigmentation, retinal cone cell, retinal pigmented epithelium, skeletal muscle, slow muscle cell, swimming behavior, trunk, trunk, vertebra, whole organism, whole organism, xanthophore
aerobic respiration, caudal fin
(all 37)
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Allele with multiple variants Transgenic Insertion Allele with one point mutation
frozen |
mpv17a9; -jf42Tg; -nns20Tg; mitfaw2 (AB) (disclaimer)
a9 [(part of) Casper fish, (part of) Crystal fish, roy] jf42Tg nns20Tg [TgBAC(slc17a6b:Gal4FF)nns20] w2 [(part of) Casper fish, (part of) Crystal fish]
- mitfa [Mitf2, Mitf-related gene, nac, nacre, z3A.1]
aerobic respiration, caudal fin, developmental pigmentation, eye, fast muscle cell, head, host-mediated regulation of intestinal microbiota composition, integument, iridophore, iridophore, larval melanophore stripe, larval melanophore stripe, liver, melanocyte, melanocyte, melanocyte differentiation, melanocyte migration, melanophore stripe, melanophore stripe, neural crest cell migration, oxidative phosphorylation, pigmentation, pigment cell, pigment cell, post-vent region, regulation of pigmentation, retinal cone cell, retinal pigmented epithelium, skeletal muscle, slow muscle cell, swimming behavior, trunk, trunk, vertebra, whole organism, whole organism, xanthophore
aerobic respiration, caudal fin
(all 37)
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Allele with multiple variants Transgenic Insertion Transgenic Insertion Allele with one point mutation
frozen |
mpv17a9; -jf4Tg; mitfaw2 (AB)
a9 [(part of) Casper fish, (part of) Crystal fish, roy] jf4Tg w2 [(part of) Casper fish, (part of) Crystal fish]
- mitfa [Mitf2, Mitf-related gene, nac, nacre, z3A.1]
aerobic respiration, caudal fin, developmental pigmentation, eye, fast muscle cell, head, host-mediated regulation of intestinal microbiota composition, integument, iridophore, iridophore, larval melanophore stripe, larval melanophore stripe, liver, melanocyte, melanocyte, melanocyte differentiation, melanocyte migration, melanophore stripe, melanophore stripe, neural crest cell migration, oxidative phosphorylation, pigmentation, pigment cell, pigment cell, post-vent region, regulation of pigmentation, retinal cone cell, retinal pigmented epithelium, skeletal muscle, slow muscle cell, swimming behavior, trunk, trunk, vertebra, whole organism, whole organism, xanthophore
aerobic respiration, caudal fin
(all 37)
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Allele with multiple variants Transgenic Insertion Allele with one point mutation
frozen |
mpv17a9; -jf5Tg; mitfaw2 (AB)
a9 [(part of) Casper fish, (part of) Crystal fish, roy] jf5Tg w2 [(part of) Casper fish, (part of) Crystal fish]
- mitfa [Mitf2, Mitf-related gene, nac, nacre, z3A.1]
aerobic respiration, caudal fin, developmental pigmentation, eye, fast muscle cell, head, host-mediated regulation of intestinal microbiota composition, integument, iridophore, iridophore, larval melanophore stripe, larval melanophore stripe, liver, melanocyte, melanocyte, melanocyte differentiation, melanocyte migration, melanophore stripe, melanophore stripe, neural crest cell migration, oxidative phosphorylation, pigmentation, pigment cell, pigment cell, post-vent region, regulation of pigmentation, retinal cone cell, retinal pigmented epithelium, skeletal muscle, slow muscle cell, swimming behavior, trunk, trunk, vertebra, whole organism, whole organism, xanthophore
aerobic respiration, caudal fin
(all 37)
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Allele with multiple variants Transgenic Insertion Allele with one point mutation
frozen |
mpv17a9; -jf7Tg; mitfaw2 (AB)
a9 [(part of) Casper fish, (part of) Crystal fish, roy] jf7Tg w2 [(part of) Casper fish, (part of) Crystal fish]
- mitfa [Mitf2, Mitf-related gene, nac, nacre, z3A.1]
aerobic respiration, caudal fin, developmental pigmentation, eye, fast muscle cell, head, host-mediated regulation of intestinal microbiota composition, integument, iridophore, iridophore, larval melanophore stripe, larval melanophore stripe, liver, melanocyte, melanocyte, melanocyte differentiation, melanocyte migration, melanophore stripe, melanophore stripe, neural crest cell migration, oxidative phosphorylation, pigmentation, pigment cell, pigment cell, post-vent region, regulation of pigmentation, retinal cone cell, retinal pigmented epithelium, skeletal muscle, slow muscle cell, swimming behavior, trunk, trunk, vertebra, whole organism, whole organism, xanthophore
aerobic respiration, caudal fin
(all 37)
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Allele with multiple variants Transgenic Insertion Allele with one point mutation
frozen |
mpv17a9; -jf92Tg; mitfaw2 (AB)
a9 [(part of) Casper fish, (part of) Crystal fish, roy] jf92Tg [Tg(elavl3:CaMPARI2)] w2 [(part of) Casper fish, (part of) Crystal fish]
- mitfa [Mitf2, Mitf-related gene, nac, nacre, z3A.1]
aerobic respiration, caudal fin, developmental pigmentation, eye, fast muscle cell, head, host-mediated regulation of intestinal microbiota composition, integument, iridophore, iridophore, larval melanophore stripe, larval melanophore stripe, liver, melanocyte, melanocyte, melanocyte differentiation, melanocyte migration, melanophore stripe, melanophore stripe, neural crest cell migration, oxidative phosphorylation, pigmentation, pigment cell, pigment cell, post-vent region, regulation of pigmentation, retinal cone cell, retinal pigmented epithelium, skeletal muscle, slow muscle cell, swimming behavior, trunk, trunk, vertebra, whole organism, whole organism, xanthophore
aerobic respiration, caudal fin
(all 37)
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Allele with multiple variants Transgenic Insertion Allele with one point mutation
frozen |
mpv17a9; -jf9Tg; mitfaw2 (AB)
a9 [(part of) Casper fish, (part of) Crystal fish, roy] jf9Tg [Tg[elavl3:CaMPARI(W391F+V398L)]jf9] w2 [(part of) Casper fish, (part of) Crystal fish]
- mitfa [Mitf2, Mitf-related gene, nac, nacre, z3A.1]
aerobic respiration, caudal fin, developmental pigmentation, eye, fast muscle cell, head, host-mediated regulation of intestinal microbiota composition, integument, iridophore, iridophore, larval melanophore stripe, larval melanophore stripe, liver, melanocyte, melanocyte, melanocyte differentiation, melanocyte migration, melanophore stripe, melanophore stripe, neural crest cell migration, oxidative phosphorylation, pigmentation, pigment cell, pigment cell, post-vent region, regulation of pigmentation, retinal cone cell, retinal pigmented epithelium, skeletal muscle, slow muscle cell, swimming behavior, trunk, trunk, vertebra, whole organism, whole organism, xanthophore
aerobic respiration, caudal fin
(all 37)
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Allele with multiple variants Transgenic Insertion Allele with one point mutation
frozen |
mpv17a9; gnat2w21 (AB)
a9 [(part of) Casper fish, (part of) Crystal fish, roy] w21 [nof]
mpv17 [roy, tra, transparent, zgc:63573]gnat2 [Galpha t2, GNAT3, nof, no optokinetic response f, T alpha C, Tc alpha, transducin alpha (cone)]
aerobic respiration, eye, eye, fast muscle cell, integument, iridophore, larval melanophore stripe, liver, melanocyte, melanocyte, melanophore stripe, oxidative phosphorylation, pigment cell, pigment cell, post-vent region, retinal cone cell, sensory system, skeletal muscle, slow muscle cell, trunk, visual behavior, visual perception, whole organism
aerobic respiration, eye
(all 23)
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Allele with multiple variants Allele with one point mutation
frozen * |
mpv17a9; celsr3w65 (AB)
a9 [(part of) Casper fish, (part of) Crystal fish, roy] w65 [zvm7]
mpv17 [roy, tra, transparent, zgc:63573]celsr3
aerobic respiration, cellular response to light stimulus, eye, eye, fast muscle cell, integument, iridophore, larval melanophore stripe, liver, melanocyte, melanophore stripe, motor neuron, ON-bipolar cell, optomotor response, oxidative phosphorylation, pigment cell, post-vent region, post-vent region, pronephric glomerulus, pronephric tubule, response to light stimulus, retinal cone cell, skeletal muscle, slow muscle cell, spinal cord, swim bladder, trunk, whole organism, whole organism
aerobic respiration, cellular response to light stimulus
(all 29)
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Allele with multiple variants Allele with one point mutation
frozen |
-au66Tg (AB)
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Transgenic Insertion
frozen |
-au67Tg (AB)
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Transgenic Insertion
frozen |