ZIRC Prices |
All prices are payable in US dollars.
Actual shipping charges apply.
The Zebrafish International Resource Center is a non-profit organization. The prices we charge for products and services are to offset some of the actual costs we incur. Please acknowledge the Zebrafish International Resource Center in all publications resulting from the materials and/or services we are providing to you. Thank you.
Zebrafish Lines | ||
Item | Academic / Non-commercial | Commercial |
Wild-Type | ||
1st - 10th Adult Pair (1f, 1m)* | $20.00 per pair | $40.00 per pair |
11th - 20th Adult Pair (1f, 1m)* | $30.00 per pair | $60.00 per pair |
21st - 30th Adult Pair (1f, 1m)* | $40.00 per pair | $80.00 per pair |
31st - 40th Adult Pair (1f, 1m)* | $50.00 per pair | $100.00 per pair |
41st - 50th Adult Pair (1f, 1m)* | $60.00 per pair | $120.00 per pair |
51st - 60th Adult Pair (1f, 1m)* | $70.00 per pair | $140.00 per pair |
etc. | etc. | etc. |
* per wild-type line, per annum, per lab | ||
Wild-type Embryos (100) | $50.00 | $100.00 |
Mutant/Transgenic Adult Pair (1f, 1m) | $200.00 per pair | $400.00 per pair |
Mutant/Transgenic Embryos (100) | $125.00 | $250.00 |
Mutant/Transgenic Embryos Shipped from Sperm (30 or more) | $450.00 | $900.00 |
Mutant/Transgenic Embryos Raised from Sperm (frozen*, 30 or more) | $450.00 | $900.00 |
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Probes | ||
Item | Academic / Non-commercial | Commercial |
Monoclonal Antibody 0.5 ml (0.5 mL) | $40.00 | $120.00 |
Monoclonal Antibody 5.0 ml (5.0 mL) | $100.00 | $300.00 |
EST/cDNA (about 400 ng per unit) | $50.00 | $150.00 |
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Other Resources | ||
Item | Academic / Non-commercial | Commercial |
Paramecium Culture (150 ml culture flask) | $40.00 | $80.00 |
Zebrafish Book | $50.00 | $100.00 |
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Health Services | ||
Item | Academic / Non-commercial | Commercial |
Histopathology (1-4 fish) | $50.00 / fish | $50.00 / fish |
Histopathology (5-9 fish) | $45.00 / fish | $45.00 / fish |
Histopathology (5-9 fish) | $45.00 | $45.00 |
Histopathology (10-29 fish) | $40.00 / fish | $40.00 / fish |
Histopathology (30-49 fish) | $35.00 / fish | $35.00 / fish |
Histopathology (50+ fish) | $30.00 / fish | $30.00 / fish |
Special stains (acid fast, Luna, PAS) | $20.00 | $20.00 |
Sample microscope slide - stained | $20.00 | $20.00 |
Euthanasia and fixation | $10.00 / fish | $10.00 / fish |
Sample microscope slide - unstained | $10.00 | $10.00 |
Bacterial Services | ||
Necropsy exam & bacterial culture | $30.00 | $30.00 |
Bacterial ID (referred to OVDL) | $1.00 OVDL cost | $1.00 OVDL cost |
Bacterial ID & antibiotic sensitivity (refered to OVDL) | $1.00 OVDL cost | $1.00 OVDL cost |
Bacterial culture | $25.00 | $25.00 |
Molecular Diagnostics (pool up to 5 fish for PCR) | ||
DNA extraction from fixed & paraffin embedded tissue | $12.00 | $12.00 |
Mycobacterium PCR panel (M. marinum, M. haemophilum, M. chelonae) | $100.00 / sample | $100.00 / sample |
Pseudoloma neurophilia PCR | $55.00 / sample | $55.00 / sample |
Pathogen PCR panel | $135.00 / sample | $135.00 / sample |
(M marinum, M. haemophilum, M. chelonae, P. neurophilia, Pseudocapillaria tomentosa) | ||
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Box Charges | ||
A $30 box charge is applied per box. Some shipments require multiple boxes due to the quantity, or temperature requirements of the items being shipped. Heat packs, if necessary, are included in a box charge. | ||
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International Document Fees: Live Shipments | ||
A fee of $100 per invoice is charged to cover the costs associated with documents, wire transfers and arranging group shipments. USDA Health Certificates are $150 or more depending on the importing country's requirements. |
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