hand2c99/+ (WIK)
hand2 [dhand, han, hands off, zdHAND, zgc:103415]
anatomical system, atrium, cardiac muscle cell, cardiac muscle cell differentiation, cardiac ventricle, cell migration to the midline involved in heart development, dentary, determination of intestine left/right asymmetry, digestive tract development, embryonic heart tube elongation, enteric nervous system, enteric nervous system development, epicardium, fin, heart, heart contraction, heart development, heart formation, heart looping, heart morphogenesis, heart primordium, heart rudiment, heart tube, intestine, lateral plate mesoderm, liver, Meckel''s cartilage, mesodermal cell migration, neural crest cell migration, pancreas, pectoral fin, pectoral fin bud, pectoral fin morphogenesis, pericardium, smooth muscle cell differentiation, surface structure, thyroid follicle, thyroid gland development, thyroid primordium
anatomical system, atrium
(all 39)
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Allele with one insertion
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