s1pr2m93/+ (AB)
s1pr2 [edg5, mil, miles apart, S1P2]
anatomical system, anterior lateral line, anterior lateral line neuromast hair cell development, blood circulation, cardiac muscle progenitor cell migration to the midline involved in heart field formation, cardioblast migration to the midline involved in heart field formation, cardioblast migration to the midline involved in heart rudiment formation, caudal fin, cell migration involved in gastrulation, cell migration to the midline involved in heart development, embryonic heart tube formation, embryonic heart tube morphogenesis, endocardium, endoderm, epidermal cell, ethmoid cartilage, heart, heart morphogenesis, heart rudiment, heart rudiment formation, heart tube, hypoblast, liver, mandibular arch skeleton, Meckel''s cartilage, median fin, mesodermal cell migration, myocardial precursor, neural keel, neurocranial trabecula, neuromast hair cell, oral ectoderm, otic vesicle morphogenesis, otolith, palatoquadrate cartilage, pericardium, pharyngeal arch 1, pharyngeal ectoderm, pharyngeal endoderm, posterior lateral line, posterior lateral line neuromast, posterior lateral line neuromast hair cell development, post-vent region, prechordal plate, saccule, semicircular canal, semicircular canal development, splanchnocranium, utricle, ventral mandibular arch, whole organism
anatomical system, anterior lateral line
(all 51)
Allele with one point mutation
frozen |