Zebrafish Lines at ZIRC

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Your search in ZIRC Fish Lines for Anything containing sa978 returned 11 records.
Select Genotype (Background) Allele
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Phenotype Genotyping Line
Catalog ID
prkdcsa978 sa978 prkdc - - Allele with one point mutation ZL10356.02 frozen
cyp3a65sa9780 sa9780 cyp3a65 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL13402.03 frozen
tie1sa9781 sa9781 tie1 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL13401.04 frozen
waslbsa9782 sa9782 waslb - - Allele with one point mutation ZL13402.04 frozen
hdhd2sa9783 sa9783 hdhd2 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL13402.05 frozen
si:ch211-132f19.7sa9784 sa9784 si:ch211-132f19.7 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL13403.04 frozen *
rps6kb1bsa9785 sa9785 rps6kb1b - - Allele with one point mutation ZL13403.05 frozen *
trip12sa9786 sa9786 trip12 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL13403.06 frozen *
tdrd6sa9787 sa9787 tdrd6 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL13399.04 frozen *
adap2sa9788 sa9788 adap2 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL13402.06 frozen
motosa9789 sa9789 moto - - Allele with one point mutation ZL13402.07 frozen
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