Zebrafish Lines at ZIRC

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Your search in ZIRC Fish Lines for Anything containing sa374 returned 100 records.
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Catalog ID
(disclaimer) sa37400 znf1003 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12528.14 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37401 si:dkey-20i20.15 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12723.12 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37402 si:dkey-20i20.15 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12639.15 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37403 si:dkey-20i20.11 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12730.10 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37404 si:dkey-20i20.7 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12128.14 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37405 pigx - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12404.10 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37406 znf45l - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12486.21 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37407 si:dkey-1b17.2 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12420.05 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37408 si:dkey-1b17.4 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12656.13 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37409 si:dkey-1b17.8 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12432.17 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37410 znf1169 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12430.14 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37411 znf1178 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12485.18 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37412 znf1184 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12685.13 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37413 znf1184 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12636.07 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37414 znf1182 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12435.07 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37415 si:dkey-15h8.16 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12616.08 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37416 unm_sa37416 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12645.13 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37417 gpr35.2 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12538.12 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37418 si:ch73-256j6.2 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12579.07 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37419 zfr2 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12735.17 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37420 zgc:172133 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12149.11 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37421 cela1.6 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12659.16 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37422 si:ch211-213a13.2 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12476.09 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37423 si:ch211-213a13.5 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12159.17 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37424 si:ch211-213a13.5 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12387.08 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37425 si:ch211-250k18.6 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12736.18 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37426 si:ch211-250k18.6 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12646.09 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37427 si:ch211-250k18.6 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12442.16 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37428 si:ch211-250k18.8p - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12179.22 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37429 si:ch211-11p18.6 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12528.15 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37430 si:ch211-11p18.6 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12530.13 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37431 si:ch211-11p18.6 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12748.12 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37432 si:ch211-11p18.6 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12434.12 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37433 nlrc7 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12546.12 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37434 unm_sa37434 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12126.18 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37435 rdh5 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12521.13 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37436 tbc1d20 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12675.09 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37437 ccdc71 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12603.13 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37438 stab1 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12182.16 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37439 aspn - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12411.08 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37440 cenpp - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12433.09 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37441 rad54l2 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12372.10 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37442 arhgef18b - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12712.12 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37443 arhgef18b - - Allele with one point mutation ZL14305.10 frozen *
(disclaimer) sa37444 atp6ap2 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12646.10 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37445 bcor - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12538.13 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37446 bcor - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12748.13 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37447 crygs1 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12396.05 frozen
(disclaimer) sa37448 crygs1 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL14336.07 frozen *
(disclaimer) sa37449 krt222 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12666.12 frozen
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