Zebrafish Lines at ZIRC

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Your search in ZIRC Fish Lines for Anything containing sa1014 returned 11 records.
Select Genotype (Background) Allele
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Phenotype Genotyping Line
Catalog ID
(disclaimer) sa1014 zgc:113019 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL2866.04 frozen
(disclaimer) sa10140 uacab - - Allele with one point mutation ZL8764.03 frozen
(disclaimer) sa10141 prr12a - - Allele with one point mutation ZL8764.04 frozen
(disclaimer) sa10142 obsl1b - - Allele with one point mutation ZL8764.05 frozen
(disclaimer) sa10143 tp53inp2 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL8764.06 frozen
(disclaimer) sa10144 zmp:0000000930 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL8764.07 frozen
(disclaimer) sa10145 mylka - - Allele with one point mutation ZL8764.08 frozen
(disclaimer) sa10146 adgb - - Allele with one point mutation ZL8776.01 frozen
(disclaimer) sa10147 piezo1 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL8776.02 frozen
(disclaimer) sa10148 ccdc25 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL8776.03 frozen
(disclaimer) sa10149 si:dkey-178k16.1 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL8776.04 frozen
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