Zebrafish Lines at ZIRC

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Your search in ZIRC Fish Lines for Anything containing e47 returned 8 records.
Select Genotype (Background) Allele
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Phenotype Genotyping Line
Catalog ID
chrna4be47 e47 chrna4b [chrna4] - - Allele with one point mutation ZL3229 frozen
chdhi2293Tg hi2293Tg [hi2293] chrd [chd, chordino, din, dino, dino (din), fe47d04, wu:fe47d04] Tg(nLacz-GTvirus) blood island, brain  (all 54) Transgenic Insertion ZL9751 frozen
abce1hi2453Tg hi2453Tg [hi2453] abce1 [wu:fb34c09, wu:fe47b01, wu:fi09g07, zgc:111906, zgc:56045] Tg(nLacz-GTvirus) eye, gut  (all 6) - Transgenic Insertion ZL2020 frozen *
mib1hi904Tg/+ (AB) hi904Tg [hi904] mib1 [cg5841, chunp6889, fe47f05, im:7148100, KIAA1323, mib, mind bomb, white tail, wit, wu:fe47f05] Tg(F5) anterior commissure, anterior crista  (all 145) Transgenic Insertion ZL502 frozen
mib1ta52b/+ (AB) ta52b [A52B] mib1 [cg5841, chunp6889, fe47f05, im:7148100, KIAA1323, mib, mind bomb, white tail, wit, wu:fe47f05] anterior commissure, anterior crista  (all 145) Allele with one point mutation ZL857 frozen
chrdtm84/+ (AB) tm84 [M084A] chrd [chd, chordino, din, dino, dino (din), fe47d04, wu:fe47d04] blood island, brain  (all 54) - Unknown ZL1091 frozen
chrdtt250/+ (AB) tt250 [AT50A, tt350] chrd [chd, chordino, din, dino, dino (din), fe47d04, wu:fe47d04] blood island, brain  (all 54) Allele with one point mutation ZL61 frozen
mib1m132/+ (AB) m132 mib1 [cg5841, chunp6889, fe47f05, im:7148100, KIAA1323, mib, mind bomb, white tail, wit, wu:fe47f05] anterior commissure, anterior crista  (all 145) - Allele with one point mutation ZL305 frozen *
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