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health:disease_manual:references [2024/06/19 18:09] (current)
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 ===== References ===== ===== References =====
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   *  Dunn, A.M., R.S. Terry, and J.E. Smith. 2001. Transovarial transmission in the microsporidia. Adv. Parasitol: 48: 57-100   *  Dunn, A.M., R.S. Terry, and J.E. Smith. 2001. Transovarial transmission in the microsporidia. Adv. Parasitol: 48: 57-100
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   *  Ferguson, J., V. Watral, A. Schwindt, and M.L. Kent. 2007. Spores of two fish Microsporidia (//Pseudoloma neurophilia// and //Glugea anomola//) are highly resistant to chlorine. Dis. Aquat. Org. 76: 205-214   *  Ferguson, J., V. Watral, A. Schwindt, and M.L. Kent. 2007. Spores of two fish Microsporidia (//Pseudoloma neurophilia// and //Glugea anomola//) are highly resistant to chlorine. Dis. Aquat. Org. 76: 205-214
   *  Hallett, S.L.,S.D. Atkinson, C. Ers&233;us, and M. El-Matbouli, M. 2005 Dissemination of triactinomyxons (Myxozoa) via oligochaetes used as live food for aquarium fishes Dis. Aquat. Org. 65: 137-152.   *  Hallett, S.L.,S.D. Atkinson, C. Ers&233;us, and M. El-Matbouli, M. 2005 Dissemination of triactinomyxons (Myxozoa) via oligochaetes used as live food for aquarium fishes Dis. Aquat. Org. 65: 137-152.
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   *  Nusbaum, K.E., Morrison, E.E. 2002. //Edwardsiella ictaluri// bacteraemia elicits shedding of //Aeromonas hydrophila// complex in latently infected channel catfish, //Ictalurus punctatus// (Rafinesque). J. Fish Dis. 25: 343-350.   *  Nusbaum, K.E., Morrison, E.E. 2002. //Edwardsiella ictaluri// bacteraemia elicits shedding of //Aeromonas hydrophila// complex in latently infected channel catfish, //Ictalurus punctatus// (Rafinesque). J. Fish Dis. 25: 343-350.
   *  Olsson, P.-E. 1998. Disorders associated with heavy metal pollution. In: J. F. Leatherland and P.T.K. Woo (eds.). //Fish Diseases and Disorder, Vol. 2// pp. 105- 131. CAB Intl. Publ., Wallington, Oxon, UK.   *  Olsson, P.-E. 1998. Disorders associated with heavy metal pollution. In: J. F. Leatherland and P.T.K. Woo (eds.). //Fish Diseases and Disorder, Vol. 2// pp. 105- 131. CAB Intl. Publ., Wallington, Oxon, UK.
 +  * Paquette, C.E., Kent, M.L, Murray, M., Guillemin, K.,Mason, T.J. Buchner, C., Tanguay, R.L., Peterson, T.S. 2013.  Intestinal neoplasia in zebrafish. Zebrafish 10: 228-236.
   *  Phelps, N.B.D. and A.W. Goodwin. 2008. Vertical transmission of //Ovipleistophora ovariae// (Microspora) within the eggs of the golden shiner J. Aquat.c Animal Health 20:45-53.   *  Phelps, N.B.D. and A.W. Goodwin. 2008. Vertical transmission of //Ovipleistophora ovariae// (Microspora) within the eggs of the golden shiner J. Aquat.c Animal Health 20:45-53.
   *  Ramsay, J.M., Watral, V., Schreck, C.B., Kent, M.L. 2009. //Pseudoloma// neurophilia (Microsporidia) infections in zebrafish (//Danio rerio//): Effects of stress on survival, growth and reproduction. Dis. Aquat. Org. (in press)   *  Ramsay, J.M., Watral, V., Schreck, C.B., Kent, M.L. 2009. //Pseudoloma// neurophilia (Microsporidia) infections in zebrafish (//Danio rerio//): Effects of stress on survival, growth and reproduction. Dis. Aquat. Org. (in press)
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