Zebrafish Lines at ZIRC

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Your search in ZIRC Fish Lines for Anything containing sa1976 returned 11 records.
Select Genotype (Background) Allele
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Phenotype Genotyping Line
Catalog ID
sparcl1sa1976 sa1976 sparcl1 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL9921.01 frozen
(disclaimer) sa19760 pccb - - Allele with one point mutation ZL10885.02 frozen
(disclaimer) sa19761 ppp2r3a - - Allele with one point mutation ZL10915.02 frozen
(disclaimer) sa19762 fndc3ba - - Allele with one point mutation ZL10881.01 frozen
(disclaimer) sa19763 pld1a - - Allele with one point mutation ZL10795.02 frozen
(disclaimer) sa19764 tnika - - Allele with one point mutation ZL10784.04 frozen
(disclaimer) sa19765 eif5a2 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL12094.02 frozen
(disclaimer) sa19766 cldn11a - - Allele with one point mutation ZL10965.01 frozen
(disclaimer) sa19767 plppr3a - - Allele with one point mutation ZL11043.02 frozen
(disclaimer) sa19768 rabggtb - - Allele with one point mutation ZL10762.02 frozen
(disclaimer) sa19769 hectd3 - - Allele with one point mutation ZL10752.02 frozen
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